

What We Do

Yokefellows works at the community level to help local village realize their vision for their community. By providing technical expertise, and limited financial backing Yokefellows acts as a facilitator to help activate local resources to impliment sustainable projects. We focus on training and transferable skills so that the impact is generational.


Who We Are

Yokefellows is a not-for-profit organization. The goal of Yokefellows is to provide people in abject poverty with practical solutions to better their lives. We believe that God created all men, and cares deeply about the suffering of each one. We attempt to live out that truth by extending a hand in partnership to those in dire circumstances. The name Yokefellows is a term found in the Bible in Philippians 4:3 “Yes and I ask you loyal yokefellow, help these women who have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel” Yokefellows are people bound together to bare a common burden. It is not one leading the other, but instead two coming together each bringing their own strengths, and working together for a common goal. This idea is central to the philosophy of Yokefellows as we aim to partner and empower communities. This idea is reflected in our logo which is a double image. It is both a representation of two local houses, but also two two individuals supporting one another with their arms over each-others shoulders.


Our History

Yokefellows was founded in 2010 as a means to continue and expand work that was already going on in what was then Sudan. The organization was established to provide greater financial transparency, and oversight to expand the work we were doing there. The organization was incorporated into a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt non-profit in the US in 2010. In 2012 we completed our first major project helping the community of Khartima to build a classroom block. In 2013 Yokefellows was also established as a registered charity in Australia.



Yokefellows operates under a board of directors in both the USA and Australia for financial transparency and oversight. The board is responsible for overall direction, but we place a strong emphasis on field-based leadership. We make decisions about what projects to undertake in partnership with local communities based on their needs. We rely on the knowledge and experience of those working on the ground to develop our strategies for implementation.


Get Involved

Want to learn more about what we do and how you can be a part of improving the lives of people in poverty? You can sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the page, which is sent out approximately every 3 months. If you have more specific questions you can also contact us through our contact form. Yokefellows is able to do what we do through the generous donations of individuals. If you would like to support the work we do you can Donate here.